HR When U Need It

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The professional services you need - without the overhead 

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Some businesses, including those running on tight margins and not-for-profit organizations, can't always afford full-time HR staff. However, you can't afford to be without this essential business function, either. After all, your people are your greatest resource and it pays to keep them well trained and well cared for.

In addition, a company might require specialists to assist with crisis management, or long-term or interim HR services for any number of reasons. 

The solution is O'Neal Consulting. We can set you up with a virtual HR department, including temporary human resources professionals who will work on site to get your programs and policies fully compliant with government regulations and best industrial practices, and running like a well-oiled machine. 

The services we provide can include some or all of the following, and will be tailored to the needs and budget of your organization. 

One call does it all.
Contact O'Neal Consulting today!



(C) 2010 O'Neal Consulting - 7557 Rambler, Suite 420, Dallas, TX 75204