Our work always begins with the need to align your strategies and people in a way that will gain you the best results possible. Among the services we offer are:
Business transformation. Learn and implement the habits needed for powerful business acceleration, including defining priorities, competencies and goals and obtaining feedback and real-time data to guide your actions. O’Neal Consulting is a Gazelles International certified coaching partner for the transformation process known as the “Rockefeller Habits.” Learn more >
Employee and customer satisfaction. We conduct all manner of employee and customer satisfaction survey and analysis work to ensure you know what is on the minds of your key stakeholders.
Corporate branding. Better understand the perceptions people have about your organization, know how your competitors have branded themselves and develop a strong corporate branding program that will help you attain your goals and manage perception development about the organization.
Strategic planning. Establish Vision, Mission and Values reflective of the leaders and instilled into the employees having daily contract with customers and clients. Work daily, but with a long range view.
Topgrading. Topgrading means to fill every position in the organization with an A player, at the appropriate compensation level. Studies have shown that most successful organizations have at least 90% of people in A player range. Topgrading is just as important for small businesses as for large ones, as underperformers stand out painfully in a small staff. O'Neal Consulting offers training and guidance to help your company build a culture of topgrading. Learn more >
For more information call Barbara O’Neal at 214-202-6151 or contact us via email. |